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The Dear God Letters

A Little Taste of The Dear God Letters.....

Everyday Epiphanies
Dear God,
It’s the little things that make me happy, Waking up next to my beloved Mel and seeing his happy, smiling face. The heavenly scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting its way upstairs from the kitchen. Waking up on a Saturday morning knowing it’s the weekend. The coolness of our lounge on a hot humid summer day. The rustling sound of the ornamental grasses as they move in the warm summer breeze. Enjoying the drive to work through the green leafy countryside and hearing the birds singing. Living in an age where I can warm my home in a matter of minutes when it’s cold outside. Turning on a tap and having fresh clean water to drink. The sound of Henry snuffling and twitching his paws as he sleeps and dreams his doggy dreams. What a wonderful life, these are my everyday epiphanies. Thank you God

Dear Claire,
Those sudden striking realisations aren’t always for the big, exciting and new emotions or material things. You understand that the everyday epiphanies are just as important and more satisfying to you because they are always there, yet you gaze upon them with eyes of love and gratitude. Your life is peaceful and happy for that very reason. Claire, you know you have to teach more people to appreciate their everyday epiphanies and in turn their lives will be happier and contented. There are so many people caught up reaching for more and more outlandish things to make themselves happy. You have to show them that their happiness does not come from external things but an internal world of peace and serenity. This is your job and I am here to guide you.

REVIEWS (So far)
Goodreads Aug 12, 2016 Jane rated it *****

I was fortunate enough to recieve this advanced reader's copy of "The Dear God Letters" from the author Claire H Perkins.
First of all I have to say that this is not my usual genre, however like with her first book that I reviewed, I enjoyed reading it, it made you think.

The Dear God Letters is a month by month account of Claire's feelings, outlook on life and her hopes and fears throughout the year, she shares these not only with us but with her God, I say "her God" because everyone's idea of "God" is different and I'm sure Claire's vision of "God" is probably totally different to mine! 
At the begining of each month Claire gives us a seasonal description and I really enjoyed reading these parts, she described them so well and I adored the autumn description, "The air has a certain stillness and crispness" is my idea of Autumn it's my favourite time of the year too!

The letters Claire wrote to her God are on a very personal level and some I can completely connect with and found myself nodding my head in agreement throughout the section....the section on Elderly parents really struck a cord in me.
The Dear God Letters is not a religious book by any means but a personal, well written, moving account of a persons life in one year and she chooses to write to God! I found it a very enjoyable read.

Goodreads Aug 13 2016 Linda rated it ****
I was lucky to receive an advanced reader's copy of "The Dear God Letters" by Claire H Perkins and Wow - it has really made me think.

The book reads like a gratitude journal but with something more….This is a month by month collection of Claire’s questions and feelings shared with her God (and with us). Claire begins each month with a seasonal description and I can almost smell the “beautiful scented purple flowers” in May, and feel the change in the air as we get to the “stillness and crispness” (of autumn) in October. Each calming description is as beautiful as the last and had me wishing that the book contained photographs. Claire has a love for beauty; in nature, people and things. Each month she has various dialogues with God - Claire asks questions and God replies. Topics include Living in the Moment, Beauty and Gratitude and I admit to quite a few “aha” moments when reading several sections of the book. Claire describes God as her intuition, she says “God is approachable and God is listening” and whilst reading “The Dear God Letters” we learn how Claire navigates everyday feelings and emotions such as disconnection, love and negativity, (to name but a few), when talking with God in a non-religious way. I really enjoyed reading about Claire’s journey, and I’m sure you will too.

Amazon Aug 29 2016 Mushley rated it ***** Wonderful book, incredibly well written
The Dear God Letters is by no means a religious book but it is a book that gives hope and a sense of being surrounded by love and acceptance. It left me feeling peaceful, anxiety free and it lifted my spirits. It is incredibly well written and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Buy it now, it's wonderful!

Amazon Sep 08 2016 Amazon Customer rated it ***** Excellent book
Excellent book, I finished it two days ago but I am still feeling that nice calming atmosphere within. Beautiful thoughts that made me think and see life in a different light. Absolutely love it, brilliant work!

A Little Taste of The Dear God Letters.....

Living in the moment
Dear God,
I had a Eureka moment yesterday. We spend so much time worrying about the future. We have ‘What-ifs’ about the future, we ‘Look Forward’ to something in the future. So much ‘now’ time is wasted, Years go by and whoosh, there goes our life; what happened? I suddenly realised how important it is to live in the moment, and I mean each moment. To be fully conscious is to make time standstill and appreciate, really appreciate life. Yesterday whilst making dinner, I listened to my favourite music and was happily and contentedly lost in the activity of cooking. Today, I have consciously kept my mind from wandering and made sure I fully engaged in whatever activity I was doing. I think I have given myself a priceless gift, a gift that far outweighs any material kind. 

Dear Claire,
My gift to you is elastic time! A life, a moment can go by very fast or very slow depending upon your perception of it. When you are dreading something, doesn’t it always arrive too quickly? When you are looking forward to something, doesn’t it seem that time is dragging by so slowly? If you can maintain being fully conscious in each and every moment of your life, not only will you experience it properly, you will have truly felt and experienced my presence.

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